How to cancel Cloudbric WAF

It’s easy to cancel Cloudbric WAF. You can cancel it permanently or use the Bypass mode in your Cloudbric WAF dashboard to disable it temporarily. Bypass mode allows you to switch off the web application firewall without needing to update your DNS settings.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
  • 3
    Select the domain name.
  • 4
    Under Performance and Securityselect the arrow next to Cloudbric WAF.
  • 5
    To disable Cloubric temporarily, click on Launch dashboard to open the dashboard in a new tab. Select the Settings icon to the right of your domain name. Select Settings on the top menu, toggle the Bypass Mode to ON and confirm your selection.
  • 6
    OR select Cancel Cloudbric WAF to remove Cloudbric WAF permanently.
Assist Note

If your DNS records are not hosted by xneelo, update them to point to your server IP before cancelling Cloudbric WAF to avoid website downtime. Once the DNS changes have propagated, you can proceed to cancel the Cloudbric WAF service.