Create and manage cloud volume snapshots
A volume snapshot is a fixed, read-only capture of a cloud storage volume. It captures the data state of a volume at a specific point in time.
In this article we’ve provided you with step-by-step guides on how to create and manage volume snapshots using the xneelo Cloud dashboard.
If you want to learn more about instances, key concepts and terminology, see volume snapshots in xneelo Cloud.
Snapshots page
The Snapshots page provides a list of your volume snapshots, as well as information, tools and actions you can perform on these snapshots.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2A list of Helpful articles is displayed at the top of the page.
3The Delete Volume Snapshots allows you to delete existing volumes.
4The Volumes Snapshots table shows a list of your current snapshots and associated information in each column.
- Name: Name of the snapshot.
- Description: What this snapshot is used for.
- Status: Shows the current status of the snapshot.
- Size: Provisioned size (in GiB).
- Volume name: Parent volume of the snapshot.
5The Actions column provides a list of actions you can perform on each volume:
- Create Volume: Create a new volume using this volume snapshot as the data source.
- Launch As Instance: Create a new instance using this volume snapshot as the boot source.
- Edit Snapshot: Update information fields.
- Delete Volume Snapshot: Permanently remove a snapshot and all data stored on it.
Read through the sections below for step-by-step guides on each action.
Create a volume snapshot
This will create a point-in-time capture of an existing volume. You can use this snapshot to create a new volume or launch an instance from this snapshot.
Note: Creating a snapshot of an attached volume is a risky action; in some cases, this can result in a corrupted snapshot if the volume changes during the upload process.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Volumes.
2Find the volume that you want to take a snapshot of.
3In the Actions column, select the down ▼ button. A drop-down menu will appear.
4Select the Create Snapshot option. The Create Volume Snapshot dialog will appear. If this is an attached volume, a warning message will be displayed.
5In the Snapshot Name field provide a name for the snapshot.
6In the Description field specify what this snapshot will be used for.
7Click on the Create Volume Snapshot button to confirm the action. If this is an attached volume the button text will display ‘Create Volume Snapshot (Force)’.
8Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
9The new volume snapshot will be listed.
View the snapshot overview
The overview displays information and metadata about your volume snapshot. This includes:
- Volume information, (name, IDs, status)
- Parent volume
- Specs (Size, type, created date)
- Metadata
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2Find the volume snapshot that you want to view.
3Click on the Name (blue, hyperlinked text).
4The Overview page will load and display.
5Scroll down to view the different overview sections.
Create a volume from a snapshot
This will create a new volume, using an existing snapshot as the data source. The new volume will be provisioned as the same size as the snapshot.
The new volume will be created as the same volume type as the parent volume of the source snapshot. Learn more about volume types in volumes in xneelo Cloud.
For example:
- A snapshot is created of a premium volume.
- A new volume is created from this snapshot.
- The new volume will also be a premium volume.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2Find the volume snapshot that you want to use.
3In the Actions column, select Create Volume.
4The Create Volume dialog will appear.
5In the Volume Name field provide a name for the new volume. Names are not unique identifiers; multiple volumes may have the same name.
6In the Description field specify what this volume will be used for.
7In the Use snapshot as a source field the snapshot will already be selected as the source.
8In the Description field specify what this volume will be used for.
9In the Size (GiB) field, enter the size of the volume you want to create.
- This must be an integer.
- This must be within the volume size limits.
10Click on the Create Volume button to confirm the action.
11To view and access the new volume, navigate to Storage > Volumes.
Launch instance from a snapshot
This will start the process of creating a new instance. The instance boot volume will be created from a volume snapshot, copying the point-in-time data from its parent volume.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2Find the volume snapshot that you want to use.
3In the Actions column, select Launch As Instance.
4In the Sources tab, the snapshot will already be selected as the boot source.
Edit a snapshot
You can edit a volume snapshot to change the name and description.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2Find the volume snapshot that you want to edit.
3In the Actions column, select Edit Snapshot.
4The Edit Snapshot dialog will appear.
5In the Snapshot Name field provide a new name for the volume.
6In the Description field specify what this volume will be used for.
7Click the Save Changes button to confirm the action.
Delete a volume snapshot
When deleting a volume snapshot all data stored on the volume will be permanently lost. The deleted volume cannot be recovered, as it is removed entirely from the platform.
Deleting a snapshot does not affect the parent volume. The data in the snapshot is reclaimed by the platform storage system.
1Using the menu on the left, navigate to Storage > Snapshots.
2Find the volume snapshot that you want to delete.
3In the Actions column, select the down ▼ button. A drop-down menu will appear.
4Select the Delete Snapshot option. The Confirm Delete Snapshot dialog will appear.
5Click the Delete Snapshot button to confirm the action.
Take a look at our other articles and guides on xneelo Cloud.
Related Posts:
- Volume snapshots in xneelo Cloud
- How to cancel a Volume Plan and hosting packages via the xneelo Control Panel
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