Flavors of cloud instances

An instance flavor is a combination of computing resources (vCPUs and RAM). 

In xneelo Cloud we provide a varied selection of flavors that cater to different use cases. When creating an instance you can select a flavor that best suits your workload.

For example, for a small workload, you could select the flavor ‘s-g-1cpu-1gb’, which will provision 1 VCPU and 1GB of RAM.

Instance flavors are charged at a rate per hour; see more on the pricing in xneelo Cloud.

Changing flavors

Your workload requirements or demands may change over time. Flavors provide flexibility to increase or decrease instance specs at any time.

You can resize an instance by selecting a new flavor. This allows you to quickly scale virtual resources up or down to better manage your instance performance, cost, or workload growth.

See more on how to resize an instance in the cloud dashboard.

Flavor naming convention

Instance flavors have a simple but specific naming structure. This helps you to understand the specs of a flavor when scrolling through the list of available flavors.

Flavor names are structured as follows:

  • [allocation]-[category]-[CPU]-[RAM]

For example:

  • s-g-2cpu-4gb


This indicates whether the resources are allocated to shared or dedicated hardware. 

Currently only shared (s) is available.

  • This means the instance will be provisioned on physical hardware along with instances from other cloud customers.


This indicates the performance and configuration of the hardware.

Currently, only general purpose (g) is available.

  • This provides all-round good performance for a variety of workloads.
  • It is not optimised in any specific resource area.


This indicates the number of vCPUs that will be provisioned for the instance.


This indicates the amount of RAM (in GB) that will be provisioned for the instance.

List of flavors available

Below is the list of flavors currently available in xneelo Cloud.

As our customer needs grow, we will continue to expand this list and provide more options. If you have a request for a new instance flavor, please contact us.

Instance flavor vCPU RAM
s-g-1cpu-1gb 1 1 GB
s-g-1cpu-2gb 1 2 GB
s-g-2cpu-4gb 2 4 GB
s-g-4cpu-8gb 4 8 GB
s-g-4cpu-16gb 4 16 GB
s-g-8cpu-16gb 8 16 GB