How to delete a Cloud image

Note: This article relates to a product currently in beta testing.

An image is an instance template used to create or rebuild instances. Images include the essential operating system, software, and configurations required for an instance. They enable the efficient deployment, scaling, and management of instances, streamlining the process of spinning up new instances or restoring existing ones with specific settings.

Note: When deleting an image all data stored on the image will be permanently lost.


  • 1
    Log in to your xneelo Cloud dashboard.  
  • 2
    Using the menu on the left, navigate to Compute > Images.
  • 3
    Select the image you want to delete by checking the box next to its name. You are able to delete multiple images at a time should you wish.
  • 4
    On the right-hand side, above the list of images, click on Delete Images.
  • 5
    Confirm that you want to delete the image by clicking on Delete Images(s) in the confirmation window.
Assist Note

You won’t be able to delete an image when it is protected.