How do I cancel my Self-Managed Server via the xneelo Control Panel?

If your Self-Managed Server is no longer required, a notice of cancellation should be provided via your xneelo Control Panel.


  1. Browse to your xneelo Control Panel and log in.
  2. Under Products in the side menu, select Self-Managed Servers.
  3. Select the server name.
  4. Scroll down to Advanced and click Cancel service.
  5. Follow the prompts in order to complete the cancellation process.

    Note if you have paid in advance and require a refund.

    Note if you require the IPs to be transferred.


  • This cancellation does not delete domain registrations that are registered through xneelo and set up on your server. Domain registrations will need to be cancelled individually – please follow the Cancellation process.


  • As indicated in our Terms of Service, a 30-day notice period applies for all cancellations.
  • Should you wish to retain the IPs that are assigned to the server and use them on another server, please make us aware of this during the cancellation process; this remains your responsibility.
  • Ensure that all important data and accounts have been removed within 30 days as the drives will be formatted at the time of decommissioning and all data will be lost.


  • You are liable for the final 30-day cancellation period hosting fee, plus any traffic usage that exceeds your allocated quota, where applicable. Hosting fees paid in advance will be refunded pro-rata, taking the 30-day cancellation period into account.
  • Should you be cancelling your server within the 7-day grace period after placing your order, we will proceed to decommission the server with immediate effect. You will not be liable for any fees associated with this server.
  • If you have ordered a replacement server, you will not be liable for the final 30-day cancellation period hosting fee of the server. You will be liable for any traffic usage that exceeds your allocated quota, as well as additional hardware or Windows Licensing that is set up on your existing server.