Data Centre Access for Colocation customers
Unattended access to your colocation rack allows you to visit your rack at any time. Such access is permitted to individuals who have previously been verified for biometric access. Security is provided through closed circuit television that is monitored by security staff 24×7.
How to arrange biometric access
For Permanent Visitors to access the Data Centre, their details must be added to the Data Centre Access tool via the Control Panel. This ensures enrollment in the access control system and verifies credentials.
After adding your own or your visitor’s details to the Data Centre Access list, please schedule an appointment for your first visit to our Data Centre Park.
- Appointments can be scheduled between 8 am to 5 pm weekdays
- Non-critical appointments should be booked 24 hours in advance
Only Account administrators, not Technical contacts, may request 3rd party contractor access.
Please contact us to request a booking, providing these details:
Full names and IDDate and time of visitVehicle registration numberCompany nameRack location/s (eg: J1/2-2)Customer numberPlease note: Temporary visitors do not need to be added to the Data Centre Access tool. These visitor details will be deactivated after 24 hours of being enrolled.
How to edit access to your rack
While we ensure that sound security protocols are followed, access to the rack is controlled by you (the customer). You will remain responsible for the integrity of the security protocols.
In the event that you want to edit rack access, the following steps must be taken:
2Under Products in the side menu, select Colocation.
3Click on the Rack you would like to access.
4Under Tools, select the Data Centre Access icon.
5Click on the visitor you would like to Edit.
6Click on Update visitor settings.
In some cases, a Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) may be listed on multiple accounts. We strongly advise that customers reset the access code on their rack to secure their equipment.
How to revoke access to your rack
While we ensure that sound security protocols are followed, access to the rack is controlled by you (the customer). You will remain responsible for the integrity of the security protocols.
In the event that you want to revoke rack access, the following steps must be taken:
2Under Products in the side menu, select Colocation.
3Click on the Colocation rack you would like to access.
4Under Tools, select the Data Centre Access icon.
5Click on the visitor you would like to revoke.
6On the edit screen under Advanced, click on Revoke visitor.
In some cases, it is possible that a Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) may be listed on multiple accounts. We strongly advise that customers reset the access code on their rack to secure their equipment.
Unattended access
When registered on our biometric access control system, 24×7 access to the main access gate and data centre reception area is provided.
To gain access to the hosting space, the visitor needs to enter their ID number and accept the T&Cs provided on the touch screen situated in the reception area. Once the visitor has been verified by the system, access will be granted to the hosting area and applicable hosting pod where the rack is located.
Only one person at a time will be allowed access into the entrance mantrap, to prevent tailgating into the hosting space.
Each pod entrance is also equipped with a biometric reader at which point the visitor will have to authenticate themselves again.
Each rack is equipped with a combination lock which only the visitor will know.
How to bring equipment into the Data Centre
An appointment must be arranged before bringing large quantities of equipment into the data centre, as equipment will be taken through the back data centre entrance. Access credentials will still be verified for this purpose and only verified visitors will be allowed access into the facility.
Only Account administrators, not Technical contacts, may request access for 3rd party contractors.