How to roll back your PHP version via the xneelo Control Panel
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.
If you have upgraded your PHP version and have found that your website is no longer working, you are able to roll back to the previous PHP version.
2Under Products, select Web Hosting and click on the domain name OR
Select Managed Servers, click the down arrow next to the Managed Server and then select the domain name.
Alternatively, search for your domain name using the search toolbar. -
3Once you have selected the domain, select PHP Config under Hosting Tools.
4Click on Edit.
5Select your previous PHP version.
6Click Save.
What happens next
The rollback will be completed automatically.
Disclaimer: By saving the settings on the PHP Config tool, you confirm that you have understood the configuration variables, as well as the possible effects they may have on your scripts.
Older versions of PHP are no longer available for use on the web server for security reasons.
If a PHP version is no longer available, it will not be possible to roll back to that version.