How to SSH to your hosting server

You can connect to a server using a UNIX terminal or Putty via SSH. Ensure SSH is enabled and follow the steps below:

  • On a UNIX machine

    1. Select your terminal window within the accessories of your start menu.
    2. Type in the following command:

      ssh ftpuser@domainname -p2222 Or

      ssh ftpuser@serverIPAddress -p2222

        E.g: ssh -p2222 

    1.  A connection attempt will be made to the server.
    2. Click on ‘yes’ when prompted to add the server to your unauthorized server list. If you did not receive this prompt, continue to the next step.
    3. Enter your FTP password.
    4. If your password was typed in correctly you will be logged in and default to the root directory of your FTP user.

  • On a Windows PC with Putty installed

    1. Select Putty from your start menu.
    2. Type in your domain name/server IP address in the text field under the label Host name (or IP address), located in the center of the Putty window. E.g
    3. Ensure that the port is set to number ‘2222‘, on the right-hand side of the window.
    4. The connection type must be set to ‘SSH‘.
    5. Select ‘Open’ at the bottom of the Putty window.
    6. A prompt will appear giving a security warning. Click on Accept to update the key under Putty’s stored keys. If you do not receive this dialog please continue to the next step.
    7. Enter your FTP username and password when prompted.
    8. To confirm if you are logged into the server, type in the command, ‘dir’ and hit enter. A list of folders will display, which are the same when viewed via FTP.

Assist Note

SSH is disabled by default, but can be activated on request on all hosting packages at no extra charge. Managed Server customers can enable this on a per-domain basis via the Server Management menu item.