Set traffic quotas in the Volume Plan via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

When you order your Volume Plan, all Web Hosting packages in your Volume Plan’s hosting location (South Africa or Germany) are automatically included in your Volume Plan. These Web Hosting packages share the Volume Plan’s quotas. Should the accumulation of traffic or disk usage across packages exceed the quota allocation of the Volume Plan, over-usage charges will apply.

If you would like to set your own traffic quotas for Web Hosting packages that form part of your Volume Plan, visit your control panel and make use of the Volume Plan Traffic Quotas tool.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    Under Web Hosting in the side menu, select your Volume Plan.
  • 3
    Select Traffic Quotas under Traffic tools.
  • 4
    Adjust the traffic quotas in the input fields and click Save changes.

What happens next

Once the change is made, all Web Hosting packages in your Volume Plan will have the new traffic quotas regardless of hosting location. i.e. the changes will apply to your Volume Plan in SA and DE, should you have a Volume Plan in both locations.

Please note that the Volume Plan’s total traffic quota will apply. The traffic over-usage charges for the Volume Plan can be found on our website.

Assist Note

These are the default values if you choose not to make changes:

  • Micro* – 1.5 GB
  • Micro Pro* – 3 GB
  • Basic – 20 GB
  • Standard – 30 GB
  • Advanced – 50 GB
  • Master – 100 GB

* These are legacy packages ordered before March 2016.