How to Upgrade/Downgrade your web hosting package via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

Web hosting packages can be upgraded or downgraded easily within the range of Basic, Standard, Advanced or Master hosting packages via your xneelo Control Panel.

Note: To upgrade Parked and Multiple domains please contact us.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    Under Products in the side menu, select Web Hosting.
  • 3
    Select the specific domain name
  • 4
    Scroll down to Package details and click on Change package.
  • 5
    Select your preferred hosting package.
  • 6
    Click on Change package.
  • 7
    A success toast message will appear when your changes have been saved.
Assist Note

You will not be able to downgrade to a package type that offers lower quotas (e.g. databases) than what you currently have in use – in this case, the option will be greyed out.

Assist Tip

Your billing will be adjusted accordingly.