Key differences between domains on the Legacy system versus the EPP system


The Legacy system only invoices for domains at the end of the month that registration occurred.

The EPP system is a real-time billing system. This means that all domain renewals that take place will have to be paid for. This includes all orders for domain registrations that are not canceled within the 7 day grace period.

Voting on the Transfer Request

The Legacy system requires that all four contacts vote on a transfer request, i.e. the Registrant, Admin, Billing, and Technical contacts.

At least one ‘yes’ vote and zero ‘no’ votes will result in a successful transfer. The transfer request is valid for 24 hours, and if the transfer is approved, the 5-day pending update period will commence after the 24 hours.

In contrast, the EPP system only sends a transfer request to the current Registrant for their approval. It is therefore very important to keep the current Registrant email address up to date, reflecting the existing person or entity who is regarded as the rightful ‘owner’ of the domain.

Registrant vs Admin contact

The Registrant on the EPP system replaces the Admin contact of the Legacy system. It is vital that the Registrant and Registrant email address is correct as the Registrant will be responsible for voting and acting on any notice of changes that are received.

You can update your Registrant details in your control panel.

Update period

The voting ticket for a Registrant update on the Legacy system was valid for 24 hours. With the introduction of EPP, a Registrant update will take 5 days to complete. This change brings CO.ZA domain administration in line with international best practice. DNS details are updated immediately.