How to use Google Calendar with your domain email address

If your domain is hosted with xneelo, you may want to use Google Calendar to send meeting invites from your domain address.

Google Calendar is easy to use with any email address, including your domain’s email address with xneelo – you don’t have to use GSuite or a Gmail address.

Create a Google Calendar account

  1. Add your First name, Last name and Password. You will be required to repeat your password.
  2. At Username, click on Use my current email instead and create a Google Account using your domain email address e.g. Ensure that you do not create a new Gmail account.
  3. A verification code will be sent to your email address. Locate the verification email in your email account and copy the code. Return to the Google webpage to insert the code in the field provided and click Verify.
  4. Add your personal information and click Next.
  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  6. Then browse to and configure the new calendar using your domain email address. Ensure that your domain email address is displayed on the top right of the Google screen.

What happens next

You now have a Google Calendar account using your domain email address. All invites that you send from your Google Calendar will be coming from your domain email address.