How to disable two-factor authentication in Webmail

We always recommend two-factor authentication remain enabled for the safety of your email account. However, if you need to disable two-factor authentication for Webmail, you can do so by following the below steps.


  • 1
    Browse to the Webmail login page.
  • 2
    Log in with your full email address (eg. and email password (passwords are case-sensitive).
  • 3
    Click on Settings in the left-hand menu.
  • 4
    Select Two-factor Authentication from the menu on the left.
  • 5
    Next to ‘Two-factor authentication is on’ select Turn off.
  • 6
    Confirm your email account password. Once entered select Continue.
  • 7
    You will be prompted to confirm whether you are sure. Select OK to confirm.

What happens next

Two-factor authentication should now be disabled for your email account in Webmail.

Assist Note

Forgotten passwords can be reset in your control panel.