Troubleshooting guide for Outlook 2024

This troubleshooting guide will help you check your account settings in Outlook 2024.

To add a new mail account, refer to the setup guide instead.

♦ Replace with your domain name.



  • 1
    Launch Outlook and select the 3 dots menu next to your email account.                                                                                                                             
  • 2
    Select Manage account and then Manage.
  • 3
    Scroll down and click on Repair.
  • 4
    Enter your email password.                                                                           
  • 5
    Retype your email password in the SMTP password field.
  • 6
    Check that your SMTP settings are as follows:
    • Outgoing server(SMTP):
    • Port: 465
    • Secure connection type: SSL/TLS
    1. 7
      Click Continue.

    What happens next

    Once the window closes, send a test email to check if the issue has been resolved. If any issues persist, please contact us.

    Assist Note

    In isolated cases mail.domain (e.g. and smtp.domain won’t work. In these cases, you will need to use the server name instead e.g. my server name.

    Assist Tip


    If you have followed the steps in this guide and are still experiencing issues, you are welcome to contact xneelo for further support. Due to changes implemented by Microsoft in Outlook 2024 (Outlook New), additional troubleshooting with Microsoft support may be required from your end.