How to upgrade a Domain Registration to a hosting package on a Volume Plan via konsoleH

The information in this article is related to konsoleH.
If you are using our new Control Panel, refer to this article.

Make the switch and discover a simpler, more secure way to manage your hosting.

To upgrade your Registration Only domain to a hosting package within your Volume Plan via konsoleH, please follow these steps:

  1. Browse to konsoleH and log in at Admin level
  2. Select or search for the domain name in the ‘Hosting Service’ tab under ‘Domain Name
  3. Select ‘Manage Services’ on the left hand menu
  4. Select ‘Upgrade / Downgrade’ under ‘Package Admin
  5. Select the new hosting package under the ‘Service Type’ drop-down list
  6. Confirm your selection by clicking ‘Next
  7. Select the same ‘Hosting Location’ as that of your Volume Plan
  8. Select ‘Next’ for further details on the new setup and then ‘Confirm’ to finalise the upgrade
  9. A confirmation email will be sent to you as soon as the upgrade has been completed successfully.


It is important to ensure that when you upgrade the Registration Only it should be in the same hosting location (SA or Germany) as your Volume Plan to avoid additional hosting charges.

Domain name registration and annual renewal fees are not included in the Volume Plan fee. See Domains for a breakdown of the fees applicable for each extension administered by xneelo.

If you need assistance or further information on the various packages and their quotas please view our product information pages.