How to point your website to Weebly

Domains registered with us can have their website hosted with Weebly while keeping domain administration and email services with xneelo. The DNS is easily updated via konsoleH.

We will remain responsible for the domain name administration and will continue to bill you for domain name charges e.g. yearly domain renewal fees & your hosting package.

Setup DNS Pointing to Weebly

  1. Browse to konsoleH and log in at Admin level 
  2. Choose Manage Services, then Manage DNS*
  3. Select konsoleH beta
  4. Select the A records
  5. Click to edit both the @ and www records (Note that there are no changes to mail)
  6. Change both of the IP addresses to:** and click Save
  7. Allow 2 – 4 hours to take effect


* If you don’t see Manage DNS then you are logged in at Domain level – you need to log in at Admin level.

**If your site uses SSL/TLS, then a different IP address is required, which Weebly will provide.

This Weebly tutorial describes the process above.