How do I qualify for xneelo’s money back guarantee?
7-day money-back guarantee
Should you change your mind about your purchase within 7 days of placing your order with us, you will be given a full refund on the hosting fee. We will also refund the domain name registration fee. However, a R5 administration fee will be charged on all domain registrations and a R10 administration fee on all other domain registrations. 7 Day cancellations may be processed via your control panel.
30-day money-back guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with our hosting service you may cancel within the first 30 days and receive a full refund on hosting fees.
Cancel your order via your control panel (here’s how) and confirm via email.
Direct (3rd party) costs incurred by xneelo e.g. domain name registrations & renewals, license fees, and traffic costs will not be refunded.
Providing us with your reason for cancellation will allow us to investigate the matter timeously.
Refunds will be made by electronic bank transfer to a legitimate bank account at month-end.