How to add a Security Group to a Cloud instance

Note: This article relates to a product currently in beta testing.

Security Groups are sets of IP filter rules that act as a virtual firewall for your instances to control ingress and egress traffic. 

Note: Adding a security group to an instance can leave the instance vulnerable to attack or expose sensitive data if the security rules added are not sufficient.


  • 1
    Log in to your xneelo Cloud dashboard.
    1. 2
      Navigate to Compute > Instances.
      1. 3
        On the right-hand side of the list of instances click on the dropdown button in the Actions column.
        1. 4
          Select Edit Security Groups.
          1. 5
            In the dialog box, select the Security Group you want to add from the left column of the table by clicking on the “+” button. This will move the security group from the left-side column to the right-side column.
            1. 6
              In the bottom right corner of the pop-up, click Save to confirm the action. Otherwise, press Cancel to undo the changes.