How to connect a domain to a hosting package on a Volume Plan

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

You can connect an existing domain registration to any Web Hosting package (Basic, Standard, Advanced, Master) and include it in your Volume Plan.

When connecting your domain name to a hosting package, it’s important to choose the same hosting location (South Africa or Germany) as your Volume Plan, to avoid additional hosting charges.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    In the side menu, click on + Add products. You’ll be directed to Our Offerings.
  • 3
    Click on View in the Web Hosting card to view the package options.
  • 4
    Select the most suitable package for your needs.
  • 5
    Select the hosting location of your Volume Plan - either South Africa or Germany.
  • 6
    Select Connect a domain.
  • 7
    Select the domain you want to connect to a hosting package and click Continue.
  • 8
    Follow the prompts to complete your order.
Assist Note

Domain name registration and annual renewal fees are not included in the Volume Plan fee. See Domains for a breakdown of the fees applicable for each extension administered by xneelo.