How to change or remove a catch-all email address in the xneelo Control Panel
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.
The catch-all function can be easily changed to any other mailbox or alias on your domain, or removed if the catch-all functionality is not needed.
1Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
2Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
3Select the specific domain name.
4Under Mail tools, select Mail Admin.
5The Mail Admin page displays the mailboxes, aliases and catch-all feature at the top of the page.
6Select the catch-all feature to edit or delete the saved catch-all email address.
7Click Save.
What happens next
Once the catch-all is removed, email sent to an email address that does not exist on your domain will be rejected and will bounce back to the sender as a failed delivery. Select another email address as a catch-all if you require this feature.