How to cancel a domain name via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

If you no longer require a domain name that is listed on your account, you may cancel the domain registration via your control panel. This will prevent the renewal of the domain name. 

If a hosting package is associated with the account, you will need to cancel the hosting package at the same time. 

The Registry will delete the domain on the next renewal/expiry date.

  • Cancel domain registration

    1. Log into the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Under Products in the side menu, select Domains.
    3. Select or search for the specific domain name.
    4. Under Advanced settings, set the Auto renew toggle to OFF.
    5. Select a reason for cancellation from the drop-down list. If ‘Other’ is selected, please provide your reasons before proceeding.
    6. Select the Cancel my domain checkbox.
    7. Select Confirm.
    8. A success message will appear and confirm your cancellation.

    Note: The Auto renew will be turned Off and the date that the domain will expire will be visible under Domain details.

    If you change your mind and want to renew your domain name after the cancellation has been processed, you can set the Auto renew toggle to ON.

  • Cancel hosting and domain registration

    1. Log into the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
    3. Select or search for the specific domain name.
    4. Scroll down and under Advanced, click Cancel package.
    5. Select Cancel Web Hosting and domain renewal from the cancellation option drop-down list.
    6. Select a reason for cancellation from the drop-down list. If ‘Other’ is selected, please provide your reasons before proceeding.
    7. Confirm your request by selecting the checkbox.
    8. Select Confirm.
    9. A success message will appear and confirm your cancellation.

    Note: The date the domain will be cancelled will be visible under Advanced.

    If you change your mind and want to renew your domain name after the cancellation has been processed, contact us as soon as possible.