How to cancel your hosting package via the xneelo Control Panel
When cancelling a hosting package, the associated domain can be:
- deleted
- remain registered without a hosting package (known as Registration Only), or
- be transferred to another hosting provider
Any active Parked or Multiple domains listed on the main hosting package will need to be cancelled or re-allocated before cancelling the main hosting package. To re-allocate a Parked or Multiple domain, please contact us.
2Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
3Select or search for the specific domain name.
4Scroll down and click on Cancel package under Advanced.
5A pop-up window will appear.
6Choose a cancellation option:
- Cancel web hosting and keep domain active
- Cancel web hosting and domain renewal
- Cancel web hosting and transfer domain
7Select a reason for cancelling your package from the drop-down list. If ‘Other’ is selected, please provide your reasons before proceeding.
8Select the checkbox.
9Select Confirm.
What happens next
The date on which your package will be deleted from our server will be displayed on the screen. This date will be 30 days after you’ve requested cancellation.
If you select the option “cancel web hosting and keep domain active”, the domain linked to this package will be downgraded to a domain registration only after 30 days.
Xneelo carries a 30-day cancellation notice period. You will be liable for a final month of hosting fees following your cancellation notice as the service remains active for a final 30 days.
If you are a cash customer and have settled hosting for 12 months in advance, a refund will be calculated taking the final one-month hosting fees into account.
Note that when cancelling within this 7-day grace period, both the domain and hosting account will be deleted within 24 hours.
Ensure that you have a copy of your website content and email as it will be deleted from our servers 30 days after you have submitted the cancellation.