How to export a database via phpMyAdmin in the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

You may export a database via the phpMyAdmin tool within the xneelo Control Panel.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
  • 3
    Select the domain name.
  • 4
    Under Hosting tools, select Manage MySQL.
  • 5
    Click on the 3 dots menu to the right of the relevant database.
  • 6
    Select phpMyAdmin - phpMyAdmin for the database you have selected will open in a new tab.
  • 7
    Select the database name in the left pane to expand the tables, then select Export.
  • 8
    Select Quick – display only the minimal options.
  • 9
    Select the required Format. In most cases SQL will be sufficient.
  • 10
    Select Go.

What happens next

Your web browser will prompt you to download the database dump file to your computer.

Assist Note

If the database dump file fails to generate, the likely reason is that the database is too large in size. In these cases, you may export the database via command-line using SSH.