By updating the name servers of your domain to xneelo’s name servers, you’ll fully transfer the domain’s DNS management to xneelo.
We recommend that you take this approach if you want to ensure that xneelo handles the DNS management.
If you need help finding the hosting provider of your domain, use the ZARC WHOIS (For,, and or the ICANN WHOIS (for gTLDs) to find more information about the domain.
Go to your domain provider’s site and log in.
- Find your domain and go to the settings panel.
- In your domain settings, find the area where you manage or edit name server records (if you can’t find name server settings in your domain settings panel, you will need to contact your domain host).
- Replace your current name servers (NS) with xneelo’s name servers:
Primary: | |
Secondary: | |
Third: | |
Fourth: | |
What happens next:
Allow 24 to 72 hours for the new name servers to propagate across all networks. Once this process has completed, the DNS records set up with xneelo will become active.