How to point a domain to xneelo

If your domain is registered with another provider and you would like to host it with xneelo, the following options are available:

  • Option 1: Update your domain’s name servers to xneelo’s name servers
  • Option 2: Update your domain’s DNS records to point to your hosting package

  • Option 1: Update your domain's name servers to xneelo's name servers

    By updating the name servers of your domain to xneelo’s name servers, you’ll fully transfer the domain’s DNS management to xneelo.

    We recommend that you take this approach if you want to ensure that xneelo handles the DNS management.

    If you need help finding the hosting provider of your domain, use the ZARC WHOIS (For,, and or the ICANN WHOIS (for gTLDs) to find more information about the domain.

    1. Go to your domain provider’s site and log in.
    2. Find your domain and go to the settings panel.
    3. In your domain settings, find the area where you manage or edit name server records (if you can’t find name server settings in your domain settings panel, you will need to contact your domain host).
    4. Replace your current name servers (NS) with xneelo’s name servers:

      What happens next:

      Allow 24 to 72 hours for the new name servers to propagate across all networks. Once this process has completed, the DNS records set up with xneelo will become active.

    • Option 2: Update your DNS records to point to an xneelo hosting package

      By updating the DNS records for a domain registered with a different hosting provider, you gain greater control over which services you can direct to xneelo.

      To point your domain to your xneelo hosting package while keeping your other services (like email) with another hosting provider, follow these steps:

      1. Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
      2. Click on the domain name.
      3. Under Website details in the left sidebar, find the IP address of the server that your hosting package lives on.
      4. Copy the IP address to your clipboard by clicking on the copy icon.
      5. Go to your domain’s DNS provider website and log in.
      6. In your domain settings, find the area where you manage or edit DNS records.
      7. Update the A records to the xneelo IP address:
      •  If you want to only host your website with xneelo:
        • Update the @ and www records to the xneelo IP address
      •  If you want to only host your emails with xneelo:
        • Update the mail record the xneelo IP address
        • Update the MX record to mail.yourdomain (i.e.
      • If you want to host your website and emails with xneelo:
        • Update the @, www and mail records to the xneelo IP address

        What happens next:

        Allow 2 to 24 hours for the update to take effect. 

      Assist Note

      If your domain is connected to an existing mailbox (e.g. with Office 365) that you prefer not to reconfigure, you can point your domain to xneelo using the DNS records (Option 2).