How to upgrade your PHP version via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

We offer the latest stable versions of PHP that are supported by Debian. We encourage you to upgrade your website to the latest version to ensure you are running on a version that is fully supported and patched regularly for security vulnerabilities. Upgrades also ensure better performance and support.

Check for compatibility

Use the PHP Compatibility Scanner to find out if your website is compatible with PHP 8.1. If you’re using version 8.2 or higher, the PHP Compatibility Scanner will be disabled. 

We recommend updating during off-peak times and then thoroughly checking your site for possible compatibility issues. The PHP Config tool allows you to downgrade back to the older version of PHP, should you find any errors. Use the same steps as listed below to upgrade/ downgrade your version of PHP.

Refer to PHP documentation on deprecated functionality that could break your website here.

Change your PHP version in the xneelo Control Panel:


  • 1
    Browse to your xneelo Control Panel and log in.
  • 2
    Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
  • 3
    Select the domain name.
  • 4
    Scroll down to Hosting tools and select PHP Config.
  • 5
    Under the Configuration tab, select Edit next to PHP Config.
  • 6
    Select your choice of PHP version.
  • 7
    Click Save.

What happens next

The upgrade/downgrade will be completed automatically.

Assist Note

Once Debian announces that they no longer support a version of PHP, we will make plans to remove this option from the tool. It is therefore imperative that you do what is necessary to ensure that your site is compatible with the latest version of PHP.

Disclaimer: By saving the settings on the PHP Config tool, you confirm that you have understood the configuration variables, as well as the possible effects they may have on your scripts.

Assist Tip

Whether upgrading or downgrading, the PHP directive values will remain unchanged. You will need to use the tool to configure these directives according to your specific website requirements.