How to use ‘Tar’ and ‘Zip’ to compress files via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

Tar and zip commands are often used to compress a website’s content to a single smaller file to use less disk space and to expedite the download process of a large number of files.

‘Tar’/’Tar.gz’ are the most common forms for Unix and ‘zip’ is the most common form for Windows. However, ‘zip’ and ‘tar’/’tar.gz’ have both been ported to all computer platforms.

The following file compression methods are available with xneelo:

  • Use the File Manager in the xneelo Control Panel

    File Manager tool (Zip, Tar, Tar.gz):

    1. Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
    3. Search for and select the domain name.
    4. Select File Manager under Hosting tools.
    5. Select the 3 dots menu to the right of the file or folder that should be compressed.
    6. Select Compress.
    7. Select either .zip, tar or tar.gz from the dropdown list and click Compress.

    Your public_html directory (all web content) can be compressed (zipped):

    1. Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Select a Product (e.g. Web Hosting) from the side menu.
    3. Search for and select the domain name.
    4. Select File Manager under Hosting tools.
    5. Select all files and folders in the public_html directory by clicking the Selected check box.
    6. Click on the 3 dots menu to the right of the Selected check box.
    7. Click Compress.
    8. Name the folder and choose your preferred compression file from the drop-down list.
    9. Select Compress.

  • Telnet or SSH (Tar and Zip)

    To compress content within the public_html directory from a command line (Telnet or SSH): (where [ ] indicates a filename of the user’s choice)

    Tar Compress individual files:

    1. SSH / Telnet to the web server
    2. Change to the public_html directory
    3. run: tar -zcvf [tar_file_name.tar.gz] (file1) (file2) etc.[a-zA-Z0-9]*
    • Eg. tar -zcvf testcontent.tar.gz index.html info.php

    Tar Compress all public_html content (all web content):

    1. SSH / Telnet to the web server.
    2. Change to the public_html directory
    3. tar -zcvf [tar_file_name.tar.gz] * .[a-zA-Z0-9]*

    ZIP Compress individual files:

    1. SSH / Telnet to the web server.
    2. Change to the public_html directory
    3. run: zip -rqv [] (file1) (file2) etc. .[a-zA-Z0-9]*
    • Eg. zip -rqv index.html info.php

    ZIP Compress all public_html content (all web content):

    1. SSH / Telnet to the web server
    2. Change to the public_html directory
    3. run: zip -rqv [] * .[a-zA-Z0-9]*

    Extracting files from a zip or tar involves a similar process.