Mailbox storage limits via the xneelo Control Panel
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.
Large volumes of mail and large mails affect the performance of your mailbox and make viewing mail online via Webmail cumbersome. Follow the steps to limit the maximum email message size of incoming mail according to your needs.
1Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
2Select a Product from the side menu.
3Click on the domain name.
4Scroll down to Mail tools and select Mail Admin.
5The Mail Admin page displays all mailboxes and aliases for your domain.
6Click on the 3 dots menu in line with the relevant mailbox.
7Select incoming email size limit and adjust according to your needs using the dropdown arrow.
8Click Save.
What happens next
In future, any attempt to accept an email bigger than the message size limit on a mailbox will fail and the email will bounce back to the sender.
There is no disk space limit on a per mailbox basis, but rather a limit on the disk space of each hosting account, including all email and web files.
Over-usage charges will be billed for the extra disk space used.
The allocated disk space (storage) varies according to the hosting account type.