Your mailbox is also available online via Webmail.
User Name :
Your user name is your full email address
Incoming Server : mail.
Ports : IMAP 993 / POP 995
Outgoing Server :smtp.
Port : SMTP 465
Encryption: SSL/TLS
This step-by-step guide takes you through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook 2013.
If the Mail account is already set up, but giving errors – then refer to our Troubleshooting guide.
♦ Replace with your domain name
Setting up a new email address in Outlook is quick and easy using theAuto Account Setupoption. However, reasons to rather useManual Setupare:
if you preferPOP, as this automatic configuration defaults toIMAP
if this is a new hosting account and domainpropagationhas not completed
First, check your password
Check your password by browsing to Webmail and trying to log in. If you aren’t able to log in, then you have the incorrect password. Forgotten passwords can be reset in your control panel – you will need to get your domain or web administrator to update it for you if you don’t have access.
Incoming mail server:mail. followed by your domain name*
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):smtp. followed by your domain name e.g.*
User Name: ensure you fill in yourentire email addressas the username
For new hosting accounts, use theIP address instead of the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers
Select theMore Settings… button.
Select the Outgoing Server tab
Ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is ticked
Ensure that you have selected Use same settings as my incoming mail server
Select the Advanced tab and ensure that your settings are as below for either IMAP or POP:
Incoming server: 995 (POP) or 993 (IMAP)
Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465
Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
ClickOK and thenNext
Let the test complete and then click Close
You’re all set! > Finish
In isolated cases mail.domain (e.g. and smtp.domain won’t work. In these cases you will need to use the server name instead e.g. Find my server name.