How to install a new Linux Operating System (Interactive Install)

The information in this article is related to konsoleH.
If you are using our new Control Panel, refer to this article.

Make the switch and discover a simpler, more secure way to manage your hosting.

The Linux Install tool enables you to install a Linux Operating System (OS) onto your Self-Managed Server. This feature requires certain BIOS settings to be enabled (this may not apply to older servers). If you experience any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly assist. 

This is a pure vanilla OS install as if you are attaching the install media via a CD/USB drive.

To use the Linux Install tool:

  1. Browse to konsoleH and log in at Admin level
  2. Select or search for your Self-Managed Server in the Hosting Service tab
  3. Select Linux Install under Recovery Tools from the left-hand menu
  4. Select the distribution of the installation that you wish to activate
  5. Select Activate on the top right-hand side
  6. Reboot your server within 10 minutes via the RMM / IPMI device
  7. During the server startup process, you have the option to reconfigure your RAID (TruServ Commerce only) via the RAID controller bios
  8. The server will boot into the OS installation environment you selected in step 4
  9. Follow the onscreen prompts to install your OS and configure your disks and partition layout
  10. Once the install is complete, your server will reboot and your installed OS will be accessible
  11. Access your server with the user(s) configured via SSH (some Linux distributions do not allow root logins by default over SSH)
Assist Note

All Self-Managed tools and features are now available in the new xneelo Control Panel. Make the switch to the new xneelo Control Panel and discover a simpler, more secure way to manage your hosting.