How to cancel your SiteBuilder package via the xneelo Control Panel
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.
Should you decide to cancel your SiteBuilder package, your SiteBuilder account, including all content, features, and functionality, will be permanently removed from our system.
Important: Please ensure that you have a separate backup of the images and content used to create your SiteBuilder website.
2Select a Product from the side menu.
3Click on the domain name.
4Scroll down to Optional extras and select SiteBuilder.
5Select Cancel under the applicable SiteBuilder Package.
6Select the checkbox once you have read and agreed to the terms of cancellation and click Yes, confirm and cancel.
7Your SiteBuilder package will be deleted immediately and you will no longer have access to your SiteBuilder website.
It is not possible to transfer your SiteBuilder-created website elsewhere as xneelo’s SiteBuilder is integrated into our existing hosting packages.