How to delete a cloud instance

Note: This article relates to a product currently in beta testing.

When you no longer need an instance, you can delete it. All resources allocated to the instance will also be released once the instance has been deleted.

Note: Ensure that any important information is saved before deletion as this action cannot be undone.


  • 1
    Log in to your xneelo Cloud dashboard. 
  • 2
    Navigate to Compute > Instances.
  • 3
    On the right-hand side of the list of instances click on the dropdown button in the Actions column.
  • 4
    Select Delete Instance.
  • 5
    In the bottom right corner of the pop-up, click the red confirmation button to confirm the action. Otherwise, press Cancel to stop the process.
  • 6
    The instance will have been removed from the list if the action was successful.