How to check your disk usage via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

We recommend monitoring your disk usage in the xneelo Control Panel at regular intervals. 

  • View your disk usage

    1. Log in or sign up to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Navigate to the Products page.
    3. Search for and select the domain name.
    4. Under Hosting tools, select Disk Cleanup.
    5. The Disk Cleanup tool will open, displaying a summary of your disk usage and all your mailboxes.
    6. The summary of your disk space is divided by web files, email and other files depicted in a colour-coded bar.
    7. Your mailboxes will be sorted from biggest to smallest by default.
    8. By clicking on a specific mailbox, you may see the different folder(s) within the mailbox and the size of each of them.

  • What are the folders?


    This is the main folder directory within which all the other folders are located.


    This is where your mailboxes are situated. You will find that most of your over-usage is probably due to email, which can be rectified by deleting unwanted or unnecessary emails and mailboxes.

    The folders under users are the names of the mailboxes e.g. and below that are the names of specific subfolders saved within that mailbox, recognized by a full stop (.) before the folder name. Within each of these subfolders are further subfolders such as cur (current mail which has already been viewed) and new (unread mail).

    • users (mail directory)
      • sales (sales@ mailbox)
        • .done (a folder created by the mailbox user)
        • .trash (system folder that holds deleted mail)
        • .spambucket (system folder that holds mail that has been classified as spam)
        • cur  (mail that has been viewed)
        • new (mail that has not yet been viewed)


    This is where your website content is stored. Be very careful what you delete in this folder as it may break your website. Look for unnecessary items such as zipped backups of site content or web files and images. Usually, these can be deleted without any effect on your website.


    This is where your web log files are stored. Each log file represents one day of browsing to your website. It is these files that are used to generate your Web Statistics (i.e. AWStats on konsoleH). They may also be downloaded to be used on your own web statistics program on your PC.

    AWStats only requires log files to exist for one day, after which they can be deleted.

Assist Tip

If your domain has exceeded its allocated disk quota, we’ll email you a monthly disk over-usage warning, enabling you to reduce your disk usage and avoid unnecessary charges.