How to manage a domain’s DNS zone file on your Self-Managed Server

The Manage DNS tool in your xneelo Control Panel allows you to update your domain’s DNS records as part of your Self-Managed product.

How to add a DNS zone file

  1. Log into the xneelo Control Panel.
  2. Under PRODUCTS in the side menu, select Self-Managed Servers.
  3. Click on your Self-Managed Server.
  4. Under Domain Tools select Manage DNS.
  5. Select + Add DNS zone file.
  6. Fill in the domain name that you would like to create a zone file for.
  7. Select an IP address from the drop-down list of your available IP addresses:
    • Use Default A record to point your domain’s www and @ A records.
    • Use Default MX record to point your domain’s MX records.
    Note: You can also enter a custom IPv4 address instead of selecting one of the above two drop-down options.
  8. Click Add.

How to remove a DNS zone file

  1. When logged into the control panel, under Domain Tools select Manage DNS.
  2. Select the 3 dots menu to the right of the relevant domain name.
  3. Click Delete.
Assist Note

To edit your DNS records for a specific zone file, select the relevant domain name under DNS zone files. Refer to our Self-Managed Server DNS administration guide for more information on how to edit your DNS records.

Assist Tip

To search for a DNS zone file, you can use the search bar also found under Manage DNS.