How to cancel a Volume Plan and hosting packages via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

Follow these steps to remove your Volume Plan from your hosting portfolio. Once your cancellation has been processed, the Volume Plan will be removed from your account immediately.

Note: Ensure that individual packages have been cancelled before cancelling the Volume Plan to avoid unnecessary payments being incurred. Upon cancellation of the Volume Plan, any remaining hosting packages will be billed as regular Web Hosting packages.

Any remaining home packages (Micro and Micro Pro) will be upgraded to Basic hosting packages as these legacy packages are no longer supported.

Step 1: Cancel the individual Web Hosting packages

  1. 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  2. 2
    Under Web Hosting in the side menu, select Websites.
  3. 3
    Select or search for the domain name you’d like to cancel.
  4. 4
    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and under Advanced, click Cancel package.
  5. 5
    Choose a cancellation option:
  • Cancel web hosting and keep domain active
  • Cancel web hosting and domain renewal
  • Cancel web hosting and transfer domain

Note: For customers with hosting packages only, drop-down options will not display

  1. 6
    Select a reason for cancelling your package from the drop-down list. If ‘Other’ is selected, please provide your reasons before proceeding.
  2. 7
    Select the checkbox(s).
  3. 8
    Click Confirm.

Note: The date on which your package will be deleted from our server will be displayed on the screen. This date will be 30 days after you’ve requested cancellation. 

Xneelo carries a 30-day cancellation notice period. You will be liable for a final month of hosting fees following your cancellation notice as the service remains active for a final 30 days. As the removal of your Volume Plan is immediate, we recommend that the Volume Plan be removed after the 30-day cancellation period. to avoid being charged separately for each hosting package.

Step 2: Cancel your Volume Plan

  1. 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  2. 2
    Under Web Hosting in the side menu, select Volume Plan SA or Volume Plan DE.
  3. 3
    Under Advanced, click Cancel plan.
  4. 4
    Select the checkbox to confirm that you have read and understood the consequences of cancelling the Volume Plan.
  5. 5
    Select Cancel Volume Plan.
Assist Note

Removing your Volume Plan from your hosting portfolio will simply dissolve the Volume Plan, not the individual hosting packages. Any remaining hosting packages will be billed as individual packages. Any remaining Home packages (Micro and Micro Pro) will be upgraded to Basic hosting packages as these legacy packages are no longer supported.

Assist Tip

The removal of your Volume Plan is immediate; no waiting period applies.

A 30-day cancellation period applies to the cancellation of Web Hosting packages.