How to implement Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS Let’s Encrypt SSL is automatically activated for all our domains. Here is how to check that SSL is active and working correctly for your website. Read article
Unable to view site content Use our list of common publishing errors to troubleshoot reasons for your website not displaying correctly. Read article
How to fix a slow website This article explains reasons for a website being slow or difficult to reach and provides tools and resources to help you fix it. Read article
Why does my home page have a virus? If your home page has been altered this may be as a result of Malware that has been embedded in your code through a Trojan virus on your local computer. Read article
Why are we getting a *Fatal error*: Allowed memory size exhausted? This error occurs when the specified memory limit for PHP is exhausted. This value can be adjusted via the PHP config tool in KonsoleH. Read article
Parked domains: How to fix broken images and links in WordPress How to fix a Parked Domain on a WordPress website where the main website displays correctly, yet the Parked Domain is has broken images or links. Read article
What is the open_basedir error? This a restriction to prevent a user from accessing paths on the server that are not authorised, such as when webcontent has been uploaded incorrectly. Read article
Mixed Content errors with HTTPS Mixed Content means that the page consists of a mix of HTTP and HTTPS content, such as images, CSS or JavaScript, making the SSL site insecure. Read article
Force HTTPS using a .htaccess file All web traffic can be forced to load over HTTPS by inserting code into the .htaccess file within the public_html folder of the website. Read article
Why SSL/TLS is not working for your website While SSL is now enabled by default for all xneelo-hosted websites, here are a few reasons that may cause it not to work Read article
How to fix the “Not Secure” website warning in Chrome Since the release of Chrome 68 in July 2018, Google Chrome marks all http sites as “Not Secure” Here’s how to fix it. Read article