How to create a backup of your website

You may need to create a new backup of your website for various reasons. It plays a vital role as a precautionary measure prior to making a change to your website, ensuring that you have a fail-safe option. Additionally, backups are important in mitigating potential data loss situations, safeguarding your valuable information and content. 

You can achieve this by using a tool such as FileZilla or the File Manager in your control panel.

  • Use FileZilla to make a backup

    1. Download and install FileZilla from the official website ( if you haven’t already done so.
    2. Launch FileZilla and enter your FTP server details (hostname, username, password, and port) to connect to your server. Click on Quickconnect to establish a connection.

      Your FTP server details can be found using this Help Centre article:

    3. You will now see your two panels:
    • On the left is your local site i.e. the files on your computer
    • On the right is your remote site i.e. your domain’s web directory on the xneelo server
    1. Click on the folder in the remote site named public_html. This is your web-accessible folder, which is where you place all your web content.
    2. Drag and drop your files and folders from the right panel (remote site) to the left panel (local site) to download. 

      Alternatively, you can right-click on any folder in the right panel (remote site) and choose “Download” from the menu. This can also be done with the public_html folder to create a backup of all of the files associated with your live site. 

      Note: This does not include a backup of your database. A database backup can be generated by using phpMyAdmin.

    3. The transfer progress is shown in the bottom panel. Once the transfer is complete, the backup file will be saved to your local directory.
    4. After the transfer, double-check the downloaded backup file to ensure it is complete and intact. You can compare it to the original public_html folder on the server to confirm their consistency.

    That’s it! You have successfully downloaded a backup of your website content from the web-accessible directory of your domain using FileZilla.

  • Use the File Manager to make a backup

    You can compress your website’s content to a single, smaller file to use less disk space and to expedite the download process. Follow the steps in this Help Centre article to compress your public_html folder in your home directory:

    How to use ‘Tar’ and ‘Zip’ to compress files

    We strongly recommend that the zip file be deleted as soon as it’s no longer required in order to prevent disk over usage.

    Note: In the case of larger sites that cannot be zipped successfully, you can still create a backup by downloading the uncompressed files using FileZilla, as mentioned in the steps above.

Assist Tip

Choose binary transfer mode to transfer images (jpeg and gif etc).