How to restore a backup of your site via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

The Restore Backup tool in the xneelo Control Panel provides access to restored files and databases for a specific website to reset the content to a previous state.  Backups are kept for up to two weeks.

It is important to note that Restore Backup should not replace regular content backups, since a successful outcome cannot be guaranteed.

  • Access Restore Backup

    1. Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Select a Product from the side menu.
    3. Select the domain name.
    4. Under Hosting tools, select Restore Backup.
    5. Here you can restore web content and database.

  • Restore web content

    1. Select the Web content option.
    2. Choose the backup date from the revision list.
    3. Select whether you want to restore all files or an individual file or directory.
    4. You can either create a new directory or overwrite the existing one.

    Note: By choosing to overwrite the existing one, the files will be deleted and that action cannot be undone.

    1. Once the restore was completed, a message will be displayed on the tool and in Notifications.

  • Restore databases

    1. Select the Database option.
    2. Select which database you want to restore.
    3. You can either create a new database or overwrite the existing one.

    Note: By choosing to overwrite the existing one, it will be deleted and that action cannot be undone. If you have reached the limit of your database quota, you will not be able to select the option to create a new database.

    1. Once the restore was completed, a message will be displayed on the tool and in Notifications.

Assist Note

For unsuccessful restores, please contact us.