How to set up email in Windows Live Mail
This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Window Live Mail.
If the Mail account is already set up, but giving errors – then refer to our Troubleshooting guide.
Replace with your domain name
1. Launch Windows Live Mail
2. Select Accounts from the top menu bar
3. Select Email
4. Enter the email address and password (forgotten passwords can be reset in your control panel) > Next
5. Configure server settings:
Incoming server information:
- Server type is POP or IMAP
- Server address starts with mail. followed by the domain name e.g.*
- Requires a secure connection (SSL) is ticked
- Port is 993 for IMAP or 995 for POP
- Authenticate using Clear text
- Logon user name is the full email address
Outgoing server information:
- Server address starts with smtp. followed by the domain name e.g.*
- Port is 465
- Requires a secure connection (SSL) is ticked
- Requires authentication is ticked
> Next
6. Once prompted, you can complete the setup by clicking Finish.
* Note: In isolated cases mail.domain (e.g. and smtp.domain won’t work. In these cases you will need to use the server name instead e.g. Find my server name.
If your email is still not working, please read our Troubleshooting Guide.