How to upgrade your Managed WordPress PHP version

Please note that we are no longer accepting new orders for Managed WordPress Hosting and will discontinue the product at the end of August 2024. For more information, please refer to these FAQs.

We offer the latest stable versions of PHP that are supported by Debian and encourage you to upgrade your website to the new stable version 8.3, with its impressive performance enhancements.

As security updates for older PHP versions end, we no longer support these versions on our hosting platform.

Before upgrading to the latest version of PHP, create a staging environment where you can test your site.

  • 1. Create a staging environment

    1. Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Under Products in the side menu, select Managed WordPress.
    3. Click on your website name.
    4. On the site’s Product Overview page, select Create Staging.

    Note: An instant backup of your site with be automatically created when you initiate a staging environment.

  • 4. Ensure your website is compatible with the latest PHP upgrade

    1. Navigate through your site and check all features are working correctly.
    2. Check the site is working on desktop and mobile and that all layouts are displayed correctly. 
    3. If your site is working, you can return to your live site and upgrade the PHP version to the latest version.

    Note: Remember to upgrade all WordPress plugins to the newest version on your live site and double-check that everything is compatible and working on your live site.

What if the PHP upgrade broke my staging site?

If anything related to your site has broken due to the PHP upgrade, you can fix that issue on your staging environment. You can push the staging content to the live site along with the fix or implement the relevant fix on your live site.

Once your live site has the fix, you can run the latest PHP update. Remember to upgrade all WordPress plugins to the newest version on your live site and double-check that everything is compatible and working on your live site.

What happens next

If you have completed the PHP upgrade on your live site, you can return to your staging site and delete it. Your site is now running on the latest version of PHP.

Assist Note

Once Debian announces that they no longer support a version of PHP, we will remove this option from the tool. It is therefore imperative that you do what is necessary to ensure that your site is compatible with the latest version of PHP.