How to order a Volume Plan via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

The Volume Plan is ideal for resellers, web designers and developers who host a number of websites as it allows you to structure your hosting according to your needs.

The Volume Plan allows you to host an unlimited number of hosting packages, with generous traffic and disk space quotas – all for a set monthly hosting fee.


  • 1
    Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
  • 2
    In the side menu, click on + Add Product. You’ll be directed to Our Offerings (New customers will be directed to the Product catalogue directly).
  • 3
    Click Add in the Volume Plan card.
  • 4
    Select between South Africa and Germany based on your preference for local or international hosting, and click Continue.
  • 5
    View or add your account details. Select Continue.
  • 6
    Confirm your payment method and select Continue.
  • 7
    View your order summary and agree to xneelo’s Terms of Services.
  • 8
    Select Order now.

What happens next

If you have existing hosting packages in the location of your Volume Plan (SA or DE), these hosting packages will be included in your Volume Plan automatically.

Domains that are not associated with a hosting package will not fall within your Volume Plan until you have connected them with a hosting package.

Assist Note

Domain name registration and annual renewal fees are not included in the Volume Plan fee. See Domains for a breakdown of the fees applicable for each extension administered by xneelo.

Assist Tip

You can only order one Volume Plan per location (South Africa and Germany) per account.