How to manually install WordPress on a sub- or Multiple domain via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article.

Our WordPress AppInstaller is a quick and convenient way to install the latest version of WordPress to a hosting account, however, there may be cases where you wish to manually install WordPress instead.

Note: If you are installing WordPress on the main account (Basic – Master)  please refer to the following guide: How to manually install WordPress

Add a sub- or multiple domain

Refer to these articles for details about sub- and multiple domains and how to add them to your current hosting account:

Add a Multiple domain

Add a subdomain


To install WordPress, you will need:

  • Access to your web hosting account via FTP (we recommend FileZilla), including:
  • database and access details
  • Your web browser of choice

  • Step 2: Create a database

    WordPress requires a database. This database is created via the control panel of your hosting account.

    Note: Sub- and Multiple domains don’t have their own database allocation, but make use of the main account databases.

    1. Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. Select a Product (e.g Web Hosting) from the side menu.
    3. Select or search for the domain name.
    4. Under Hosting tools, select Manage MySQL.
    5. To create a new database, select + Add database.
    6. Complete the fields required and click Add. For sub- or multiple domains, you may wish to change the suggested database name to reflect the sub- or multiple domain name.
    7. Your database has been added. You are presented with details of the database you added. You can copy these details by clicking the copy icon on the right.

    Note: Make a note of these details as the password will not be recorded.

  • Step 3: Upload WordPress to your hosting account

    The WordPress software that you previously downloaded to your local computer now needs to be uploaded to your hosting account on our web server. This is done via FTP e.g FileZilla.

    ImportantFTP access to the Multiple Domain is via the main account (parent domain), using the main accounts FTP login details. This is because the Multiple Domain shares the hosting space of the main account.

    Within the public_html directory of the main account, you will find a sub-directory with the name of the multiple domain.

    Drag and drop to upload all the unzipped WordPress files (excluding the WordPress directory itself) from your local drive (left pane) into the public_html subdirectory on the server (right pane).

    After uploading the files, remove the default index.html file.

  • Step 4: Run the Install script

    Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser:

    1. Browse to your domain name.
    2. Choose your preferred language
    3. Allow WordPress to try and create a wp-config.php file by providing your database access details when prompted.  If the automatic configuration is not successful, see Configure the wp-config.php file for help. Click Submit.
    4. Information needed: Enter all the relevant information to give you Admin access to your WordPress installation.  Note all this information can be changed later.
    5. Click Install WordPress.
    6. If your installation is successful, a login prompt will be displayed.

Assist Note

For assistance with troubleshooting WordPress installation or general problems, see’s FAQ Installation and FAQ Troubleshooting