How to create a new email address with Managed WordPress

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Managed WordPress offers you the ability to create email accounts and host your mail with xneelo.

To create your email account, first ensure that: 

Choose a type of email address – mailbox or alias

  • How to add a new mailbox

    A mailbox is an independent email address with full functionality. Mail is stored on the server (unless your mail program’s settings are not set up to do this). Stored mail adds to the disk space of the domain’s web hosting package. If a forwarder is added, mail will be delivered to both the mailbox and the forwarded address.

    1. 1
      Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. 2
      Under Products in the side menu, select Managed WordPress.
    3. 3
      Click on your website name.
    4. 4
      Under Mail, select Mail admin.
    5. 5
      Click + Add mailbox to continue.
    6. 6
      Add the new email address and your choice of password. Forwarders are optional.
    7. 7
      Select Add to confirm the mailbox creation.
    8. 8
      Upon successful creation, a page will present the new mailbox details.
    9. 9
      Click Close. Your new mailbox is now displayed on the Mail Admin page.

  • How to add an alias

    An alias is an email address that redirects mail to another email address – either on the same domain or to an external address.

    1. 1
      Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. 2
      Under Products in the side menu, select Managed WordPress.
    3. 3
      Click on your website name.
    4. 4
      Under Mail, select Mail admin.
    5. 5
      Select the Aliases tab.
    6. 6
      Click + Add alias to continue.
    7. 7
      Enter the new email address you would like to use in the Email field.
    8. 8
      Add the email address that you would like your mail directed to in the Forwarder field.
    9. 9
      The dropdown list will display all your mailboxes on the same domain:
    • Click to select the mailbox you wish to use, or
    • Insert your external email address and press Enter on your keyboard to confirm.
    1. 10
      Click Add.
    2. 11
      Your new alias is now displayed on the Mail Admin page under Aliases.

  • How to edit your email settings

    You are able to make various changes to an existing mailbox.

    1. 1
      Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
    2. 2
      Select a Product from the side menu.
    3. 3
      Select the domain name.
    4. 4
      Scroll down to Mail tools and select Mail Admin.
    5. 5
      Navigate to the 3 dots menu to the right of the mailbox you would like to edit:
    • View your mailbox credentials – needed when setting up the email address on your mail program
    • Reset your password
    • Edit the autoresponders
    • Disable your mailbox
    • Set a limit for the maximum size of individual incoming emails that you wish to accept in the mailbox
    • The catch-all mailbox is disabled by default. If you would like all stray emails addressed to non-existent usernames at your domain to be forwarded to a single mailbox, then add an email address in the Catch-all email field.

Assist Note

To activate Mail hosting, the domain name must be registered with xneelo and not with another provider.

Assist Tip

Now that your email account has been created, you need to set up your email programme or client (eg. Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird) to connect to the server in order to send and receive your email.