Domain transfer guides We’ll help you move to xneelo. In this article, select your domain extension for a visual breakdown on transferring your domain to us. Read article
How to determine if a domain name is available Use the ‘Domain Search’ feature on our domain name search page. If the domain name is available, you can proceed to purchase it. Read article
Which domain extensions does xneelo register? We facilitate the registration of a number of domain extensions via third-party registrars. Read article
How to update your domain registration details This Help Centre article shows you step-by-step how to submit an update request for your domain’s registrant or admin contact details via konsoleH. Read article
What is domain propagation? Domain propagation is the process whereby nameservers update across the Internet to reflect a change in a domain’s DNS record. Read article
Domain renewal Domain names are automatically renewed on your behalf. View the date that your domains are due for renewal via your control panel. Read article
Can I register a domain name now for use at a later date? Domain names are a limited resource, if there is a domain name that suits your business, you should register it. You can upgrade to a hosting package later. Read article
If xneelo registers my domain, who will the legal domain owner be? Technically domains are never owned but are leased from a registry on an annual basis, giving the registrant legal right to the use of the domain. Read article
Requirements for registering a .eu domain name You must provide proof of residence in Europe to qualify for the registration of a .eu domain name. Read article
How to point a domain to xneelo There are 2 methods to point a domain that is registered with a different hosting provider to an xneelo hosting package. Read article
Can anyone register an domain name? Any individual or organization may register an domain, not only non-profit organizations as was previously the case. Read article
What are the requirements for registering a .de domain name? Read about the registration requirements for securing a .de domain name, particularly if you are not residing in Germany. Read article
Can you guarantee that my domain name will be registered successfully? It is not possible for us to guarantee the successful registration of domain names during our registration and ordering process. Read article
Can I change a domain name once it has been registered? Once a domain name has been registered with the registrar, it cannot be changed. Read article
What is a Registrar? A domain name registrar is a company that manages the reservation of certain domain names. Read article
What is a WHOIS search? A WHOIS lookup searches across registry databases to provide registration information on domain names. How to Lookup the various domains is explained. Read article
Reasons for a domain transfer to fail Your domain transfer may be rejected by the current Registrar. In this article, we break down 9 reasons why this may be the case and what you need to do to have it accepted. Read article
Premium domain names Premium domains are specific extensions e.g. city domains, or domains which contain short words or acronyms. Read article
Do I need domain search registration? Beware of Search registration scams claiming that the visibility of your domain on search engines is at risk and that domain search registration is required. Read article