How to transfer your ccTLD (Country code top-level domain) via the xneelo Control Panel

The information in this article is related to the new xneelo Control Panel.
If you are still using konsoleH, refer to this article. | |

Preparation is the key to a successful local domain transfer. Follow our guide and achieve first-time success.

Important note: Please contact us if DNSSEC is applied to your domain(s) before submitting the transfer ticket. This will ensure that no downtime is experienced on your website(s) (and emails) after a successful (transfer) vote. If the domain is successfully transferred to xneelo without DNSSEC being lifted, your emails and website will not perform as expected and this could require up to 10 business days to correct.

Choose your preferred transfer option:

Transfer domain only

Step 1: Prepare

  • Check the Registrant email address

    • Ensure that you have access to the email address listed as the Registrant for your domain. Your current Domain Administrator/Registrar will be able to confirm this email address. An email “ticket” requesting permission to transfer the domain will need to be accepted from this email address.
    • If your current Registrar is listed as the Registrant, they will need to accept the transfer request on your behalf.
    • If the email address is outdated or incorrect, your current Registrar can update it for you, but updates take 5 days to complete. You’ll have to wait for this update to complete before you can submit the transfer ticket.

    • Release the domain

      • Notify your current domain Registrar that the domain will be transferred away. In order to transfer to xneelo, you first need to cancel your hosting service with your current provider.
      • If you will be pointing your DNS records away from xneelo, ensure that you have a copy of your DNS records.

    Step 2: Transfer

    • Place your order and submit transfer

      • Domains are transferred via a voting process, with a voting ticket sent to the email address listed as the Registrant of the domain. This is the only email address authorised to accept the transfer.
      • If this address is incorrect, contact your current Registrar to change it (a 5-day change period applies).
      • Your transfer order automatically expires after 30 days of inactivity.


      1. 1
        Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
      2. 2
        Using the left-hand menu, navigate to Transfers under Tools.
      3. 3
        Select + New transfer request in the Sent requests tab.
      4. 4
        Click Continue in the  Move my domain to xneelo card.
      5. 5
        Enter the domain name without the preceding www and click Search.
      6. 6
        Click Continue if the domain is available for transfer.
      7. 7
        Enter the domain ownership details and click Continue.
      8. 8
        Check your account details, or add your details if you are a new user. Click Continue.
      9. 9
        Check your billing details, or add your details if you are a new user. Click Continue.
      10. 10
        Check your order and select the checkboxes at the bottom of the page. Click Submit request.
      11. 11
        A pop-up message will confirm that the transfer has been submitted successfully. Click Continue to view the status of your transfer request.

    • DNS Update

      Note: This step is only applicable if you will be hosting your website and/or email with another provider and would like to point your DNS away from xneelo.


      1. 1
        Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
      2. 2
        Select Domains from the side menu.
      3. 3
        Select Manage DNS records under DNS/Name Servers.
      4. 4
        Click on the 3 dots menu to the right of the relevant DNS record.
      5. 5
        Select Edit.
      6. 6
        Update the DNS record and click Save.

      For more information on the Manage DNS tool, please see our Help Centre article.

    • Accept the voting ticket

      If you are the domain Registrant:

      • Check your email and accept the update request (voting ticket) that you will receive from the Registrar, ZARC.
      • You will be redirected to a ZARC webpage where you need to click Accept.
      • You’re done! It will take about 24 hours for propagation to complete so that the change is visible across the Internet.

      If you are not the domain Registrant:

      • The current Registrant has 5 days to accept the transfer voting ticket. You will receive a notification from the Registry, ZARC, once the ticket has been accepted. Propagation will start immediately when the name servers update to xneelo’s.
      • You can view the transfer progress by returning to the Transfers tool.
      • If the transfer update is declined, you will need to resolve any outstanding issues, and resubmit the transfer request via the Transfer tool.

      Read about the reasons why a transfer may fail in our Help Centre article.

      Transfer domain with Web Hosting

      Step 1: Prepare

      • Check the Registrant email address

        • Ensure that you have access to the email address listed as the Registrant for your domain. Your current Domain Administrator/Registrar will be able to confirm this email address. An email “ticket” requesting permission to transfer the domain will need to be accepted from this email address.
        • If your current Registrar is listed as the Registrant, they will need to accept the transfer request on your behalf.
        • If the email address is outdated or incorrect, your current Registrar can update it for you, but updates take 5 days to complete. You’ll have to wait for this update to complete before you can submit the transfer ticket.

        • Release the domain

          • Notify your current domain Registrar that the domain will be transferred away. In order to transfer to xneelo, you first need to cancel your hosting service with your current provider.
          • Ensure that you have a copy of your website and email content to upload to xneelo’s servers.
          • If you will be pointing your DNS records away from xneelo, ensure that you have a copy of your DNS records.

        Step 2: Transfer

        • Order a Hosting Only package


            1. 1
              Log in or sign up to the xneelo Control Panel.
            2. 2
              In the side menu, click on + Add product. You’ll be directed to Our Offerings (New customers will be directed to the Product catalogue directly).
            3. 3
              Click on View in the Web Hosting card to view the package options.
            4. 4
              Choose the hosting package that meets your needs.
            5. 5
              Select your hosting location and click Continue.
            6. 6
              Select Only interested in hosting.
            7. 7
              Enter the domain name (without the preceding www) and click Search.
            8. 8
              Follow the prompts to complete your order.

          • DNS Update

            Note: This step is only applicable if you will be hosting your website and/or email with another provider and would like to point your DNS away from xneelo.


            1. 1
              Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
            2. 2
              Select Domains from the side menu.
            3. 3
              Select Manage DNS records under DNS/Name Servers.
            4. 4
              Click on the 3 dots menu to the right of the relevant DNS record.
            5. 5
              Select Edit.
            6. 6
              Update the DNS record and click Save.

            For more information on the Manage DNS tool, please see our Help Centre article.

          • Submit the transfer

            • Domains are transferred via a voting process, with a voting ticket sent to the email address listed as the Registrant of the domain. This is the only email address authorised to accept the transfer.
            • If this address is incorrect, contact your current Registrar to change it (a 5-day change period applies).
            • Your transfer order automatically expires after 30 days of inactivity.


            1. 1
              Log in to the xneelo Control Panel.
            2. 2
              Using the left-hand menu, navigate to Transfers under Tools.
            3. 3
              Select + New transfer request in the Sent requests tab.
            4. 4
              Click Continue in the  Move my domain to xneelo card.
            5. 5
              Enter the domain name without the preceding www and click Search.
            6. 6
              Click Continue if the domain is available for transfer.
            7. 7
              Enter the domain ownership details and click Continue.
            8. 8
              Check your account details, or add your details if you are a new user. Click Continue.
            9. 9
              Check your billing details, or add your details if you are a new user. Click Continue.
            10. 10
              Check your order and select the checkboxes at the bottom of the page. Click Submit request.
            11. 11
              A pop-up message will confirm that the transfer has been submitted successfully. Click Continue to view the status of your transfer request.

          • Accept the voting ticket

            If you are the domain Registrant:

            • Check your email and accept the update request (voting ticket) that you will receive from the Registrar, ZARC.
            • You will be redirected to a ZARC webpage where you need to click Accept.
            • You’re done! It will take about 24 hours for propagation to complete so that the change is visible across the Internet.

            If you are not the domain Registrant:

            • The current Registrant has 5 days to accept the transfer voting ticket. You will receive a notification from the Registry, ZARC, once the ticket has been accepted. Propagation will start immediately when the name servers update to xneelo’s.
            • You can view the transfer progress by returning to the Transfers tool.
            • If the transfer update is declined, you will need to resolve any outstanding issues, and resubmit the transfer request via the Transfer tool.

            Read about the reasons why a transfer may fail in our Help Centre article.

            Assist Note

            Country code top-level domains (, and do not have Authorisation codes.

            Assist Tip

            If you would like to transfer domains internally between xneelo customers, follow the steps in our Internal Account Transfer guide.
