What is SiteBuilder? SiteBuilder is a website publishing tool that allows you to create and maintain a professional website using simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) application. Read article
How to upload an image to your SiteBuilder website Adding images to your SiteBuilder site can be easily done using the Media menu found under the Website Content tab of the SiteBuilder Wizard. Read article
Can I move my SiteBuilder website to another hosting provider? It is not possible to transfer your SiteBuilder-created website elsewhere as xneelo’s SiteBuilder is integrated into our existing hosting packages. Read article
How to cancel your SiteBuilder package Your SiteBuilder account, including all content, features, and functionality, will be permanently removed from our system. Read article
The difference between ‘SiteBuilder Lite’ and ‘SiteBuilder Standard’ The main difference between the two SiteBuilder packages is that SiteBuilder Lite limits the features available to the user. You are able to upgrade… Read article
Will I lose information on my SiteBuilder Lite website when I upgrade? Upgrading your SiteBuilder package will allow you to add more pages to your website without losing the existing information. Read article
Can I downgrade from SiteBuilder Standard to SiteBuilder Lite? Downgrading from SiteBuilder Standard to SiteBuilder Lite is not possible. You would need to reorder the SiteBuilder Lite package. Read article
How to upgrade your SiteBuilder package Upgrade your SiteBuilder package to the SiteBuilder Standard via konsoleH. You will need to be logged in at Admin Level to do so. Read article
What happens if I have an existing website, but also want to use SiteBuilder? We recommend that you make a backup of your existing website files before publishing your SiteBuilder website as this will overwrite your existing website. Read article
Can I make use of SiteBuilder if I have a Multiple Domain? The SiteBuilder tool is not available to Multiple Domains. You will be required to upgrade to one of our Web Hosting packages to make use of SiteBuilder. Read article
How to change your SiteBuilder design template You can change the look of your website at any time by switching to a different design template without losing your content. Read article
Reasons the SiteBuilder editor won’t launch We provide you a comprehensive list of reasons your SiteBuilder editor won’t launch, accompanied with the corresponding solution. Read article
How to add a tracking code to your SiteBuilder website A tracking code gathers and sends data to an online statistics tool. Follow our step-by-step guide to add a tracking code to your SiteBuilder website. Read article
How to create a SiteBuilder website SiteBuilder is a website publishing tool that allows you to create and maintain a professional website using a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) application. Read article
SiteBuilder upgrade FAQ SiteBuilder will be upgraded to version 4.1 on Wednesday, 19 April 2023. In this guide, we answer some questions you may have about the upgrade. Read article
Take your SiteBuilder website offline during maintenance This article provides the steps to temporarily deactivate your SiteBuilder website while you perform maintenance tasks or while SiteBuilder is undergoing a version upgrade. Read article
How to install SiteBuilder We explain how to install the SiteBuilder software via konsoleH. SiteBuilder is a third party website publishing tool that allows you to create a website. Read article
How to upgrade your SiteBuilder package via the xneelo Control Panel You can upgrade your SiteBuilder Lite package to SiteBuider Standard via your control panel. Read article
How to cancel your SiteBuilder package via the xneelo Control Panel You are able to cancel your SiteBuilder package via your control panel. Cancellation is immediate. Read article
How to install SiteBuilder via the xneelo Control Panel SiteBuilder is a third-party website publishing tool that allows you to create and maintain a professional website. Read article
SiteBuilder – What’s new in the latest version Xneelo offers SiteBuilder, webdesign software provided by developers CM4all. Information on version changes can be found here. Read article